讨论2:个人遇到的:白人妹子多伦多好,韩国妹子多伦多略好服务花样很多, 日本妹子/平价华人妹子没在多伦多试过无法评论, 高价妹子温哥华强但是同样质量的多伦多便宜。
讨论3:I moved here from Toronto about 7 years ago and was a bit shocked when I got here and found out that I had to pay extra for cim, rim, and even Msog In Toronto I could pay my 240/260 for an hour and get cim, rim and msog for no extra charge. For the most part that doesn’t seem to have changed. Seems like the odd girl is charging an extra 50 for a second shot, but most seem to include everything, including nuru.
There are also just far more girls and agencies there, so by the law of averages and the amount of competition you get more quality. I really miss Toronto!
讨论6:曾经去那边的店 和这边的差别太大了 其中一家平均身高有178 最高的有一个193的 还是各个国家的
讨论7:去过多伦多出差一次。 两边不管是价格还是质量。我觉得多伦多都比温哥华领先挺多的